Zoom Club Meeting, June 10, 2020

​​​​2024 Toy Soldier Show

The annual Toy Soldier Show was held at the SC State Museum on 09NOV24, and the Wildcats were there.

Kevin Cook, Tim Darrah, Rebecca and Tony Abbott, Dave Varettoni manned a couple tables with many of their models and figures on display. Mike Roof was also there at a table outside with his WWII Era Radios and other Commo Equipment.

​​​​​​New Meeting Location!

​​We're meeting IN-PERSON on the second Tuesday of each month from 6 - 8 pm at That Computer Store! (on the Game Side). For more information on the store, please see That Computer Store! website.

Please see the slideshow on Meeting Photos page for photos of the models that were brought in for Show & Tell at the meeting.

The second Tuesday of each month is now our ​​Regular Meeting at That Computer Store.  See you then!

Our Christmas Party & White Elephant Gift Exchange, December 14, 2023

Please see Our FaceBook Page for more picture, activities and info.

NACM "Memorial Paver Program" Chapter Donation  Challenge

Who is up to the CHALLENGE?

Go to the NACM Heritage Foundation Memorial Paver Program Webpage for more information.

To see more meeting photos, click here!

Our member interests span the entire spectrum of the subject and include all eras and nationalities, from pre-WWI experiments with armored cars to vehicles seen on the most contemporary battlefields of today.  Our interests include not only fully-tracked main battle tanks, but also engineering vehicles, halftracks, armored cars, artillery and guns, as well as soft-skin military support vehicles, figures, and even "hypothetical" and sci-fi military subjects.  Model-building genres cover all scales and mediums from traditional injection molded plastic to resin, white metal, and scratch-building.

We invite you to come and join us at our next meeting and share the comradery found in our little "band of brothers (and sisters)!" 

For more information, please contact us:


We are meeting on the second Tuesday of each month.

Chapter Leadership

During our February, 2022 Regular Meeting, we approved the new Chapter Officers:

- Kevin Cook, Chapter President
- Trevor Edwards, Chapter Vice President
- Matthew Goodman, Chapter Treasurer
- Jeffrey Nelson, Chapter Secretary

We GREATLY appreciate the leadership and hard work by the outgoing leadership:

- Mike Roof, Chapter Contact, 2010-JAN22
- Ralph Nardone, Chapter Treasurer, SEP14-JAN22

Thank you, and hopefully the new officers will maintain and possibly improve the chapter from where we are today.


We are meeting on the second Tuesday of each month.

The Central South Carolina "Wildcats" Chapter of the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society (AMPS) was established in August, 2010.

We meet in-person on the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 6:00 - 8:00 pm at That Computer Store! (the Gaming Side), 275 Harbison Blvd. Suite P, Columbia, SC 29212. From June, 2020 to September, 2021, we conducted Virtual Meetings using Zoom.

Meeting Info Flyer

Our meetings are open to anyone who shares our interest and enthusiasm for the history and technology associated with armored fighting vehicles and the men and women who serve in the military forces of the world along side those same vehicles.​